June 21, 2023 - District Advance Lunch Session 12-1pm
District NYI Convention
NYI Convention is a district rally where the District NYI Program is explained, promoted, and where necessary, adjusted. In addition to a worship service there is all kinds of information given out on yearly events, our programs, and other NYI related activities. Finally is the business portion of the meeting. This rally also functions as the first Council meeting of the year, where new council members may be elected and any changes would be presented. It is a very important part of our program.
While we typically invite anyone involved with NYI on our District to attend NYI Convention, the Manual of the Church of the Nazarene does set forth guidance for who can serve as an official delegate. I.E. - Participate in the Convention by Voting and/or Bringing items to the attention of the Assembly.
The 2013-2017 manual states the following:
810.219 District NYI Convention
1. The annual District NYI Convention provides for inspirational sessions and programs to advance youth ministry across the district. Reports are received, leadership is elected, and any legislative business pertaining to the work of NYI is transacted at the Convention. Delegates to the Global NYI Convention are also elected consistent with the NYI Global Ministry Plan.
2. The District NYI Council arranges for and oversees the District NYI Convention, in cooperation with the district superintendent. The Convention convenes at a time and place designated by the District NYI Council, with the approval of the district superintendent and within ninety days of the District Assembly.
3. The District NYI Convention is composed of the members of the District NYI Council, the district superintendent, local pastors, other assigned ordained ministers of the district who participate in NYI ministry, and local NYI delegates.
4. All local NYI delegates to the District NYI Convention must be members of the Church of the Nazarene that they represent.
5. The number of local NYI delegates for each church is determined by the membership figures on the most recent local Pastor’s Report prior to the District Assembly. District NYI leadership encourages local churches to make suitable arrangements for the expenses of delegates attending the District NYI Convention.
6. The local NYI delegation to the District NYI Convention for churches with 30 or fewer NYI members consists of:
a. The pastor and youth pastor or any full-time paid pastoral staff who participate in NYI ministry;
b. The newly-elected local NYI president;
c. Up to four elected delegates, with at least half being within the district-established NYI ministry focus.
d. Local churches may add an additional delegate for each successive 30 local NYI members and/or final major part of those 30 members (i.e., 16-29 members). At least half of any additional delegates must be also within the district-established NYI ministry focus.
7. The pastor of any local church or director of an approved Nazarene Compassionate Ministries Center not having an organized NYI may appoint one delegate.
NYI Convention is a district rally where the District NYI Program is explained, promoted, and where necessary, adjusted. In addition to a worship service there is all kinds of information given out on yearly events, our programs, and other NYI related activities. Finally is the business portion of the meeting. This rally also functions as the first Council meeting of the year, where new council members may be elected and any changes would be presented. It is a very important part of our program.
While we typically invite anyone involved with NYI on our District to attend NYI Convention, the Manual of the Church of the Nazarene does set forth guidance for who can serve as an official delegate. I.E. - Participate in the Convention by Voting and/or Bringing items to the attention of the Assembly.
The 2013-2017 manual states the following:
810.219 District NYI Convention
1. The annual District NYI Convention provides for inspirational sessions and programs to advance youth ministry across the district. Reports are received, leadership is elected, and any legislative business pertaining to the work of NYI is transacted at the Convention. Delegates to the Global NYI Convention are also elected consistent with the NYI Global Ministry Plan.
2. The District NYI Council arranges for and oversees the District NYI Convention, in cooperation with the district superintendent. The Convention convenes at a time and place designated by the District NYI Council, with the approval of the district superintendent and within ninety days of the District Assembly.
3. The District NYI Convention is composed of the members of the District NYI Council, the district superintendent, local pastors, other assigned ordained ministers of the district who participate in NYI ministry, and local NYI delegates.
4. All local NYI delegates to the District NYI Convention must be members of the Church of the Nazarene that they represent.
5. The number of local NYI delegates for each church is determined by the membership figures on the most recent local Pastor’s Report prior to the District Assembly. District NYI leadership encourages local churches to make suitable arrangements for the expenses of delegates attending the District NYI Convention.
6. The local NYI delegation to the District NYI Convention for churches with 30 or fewer NYI members consists of:
a. The pastor and youth pastor or any full-time paid pastoral staff who participate in NYI ministry;
b. The newly-elected local NYI president;
c. Up to four elected delegates, with at least half being within the district-established NYI ministry focus.
d. Local churches may add an additional delegate for each successive 30 local NYI members and/or final major part of those 30 members (i.e., 16-29 members). At least half of any additional delegates must be also within the district-established NYI ministry focus.
7. The pastor of any local church or director of an approved Nazarene Compassionate Ministries Center not having an organized NYI may appoint one delegate.
Number of
Members 5-45 46-75 76-105 106-135 |
Number of
Delegates 4 5 6 7 |
Number of
Members 136-165 166-195 196-225 226-255 |
Number of
Delegates 8 9 10 11 |
NYI Awards
Each year at District NYI Convention, local youth groups are eligible for three awards given out by the district; the Honor NYI Award, the NYI Excellence Award, and the NYI of the Year Awards. These awards are intended to give local groups a basic framework of what an active local Youth Ministry might look like. The first two awards are given out to any churches who meet the requirements, and the third award is reserved to a single group who meets the requirements and is recommended for award by the District NYI Council.
In previous years, churches have been required to bring registration forms with them to NYI Convention. This year we will be handling all registration at the event. No forms needed.
Richie Griffith
District NYI President
Each year at District NYI Convention, local youth groups are eligible for three awards given out by the district; the Honor NYI Award, the NYI Excellence Award, and the NYI of the Year Awards. These awards are intended to give local groups a basic framework of what an active local Youth Ministry might look like. The first two awards are given out to any churches who meet the requirements, and the third award is reserved to a single group who meets the requirements and is recommended for award by the District NYI Council.
In previous years, churches have been required to bring registration forms with them to NYI Convention. This year we will be handling all registration at the event. No forms needed.
Richie Griffith
District NYI President