Below are NWO NYI policies concerning finance (reimbursements, refunds, payments, and events) and NYI Convention/District Council.
Reimbursement Policy (2021)
1. Any purchase, whether made by District NYI credit cards, checks or by personal cash, debit, or credit cards, needs to be formally requested to the NYI Treasurer using the NYI Purchase/Reimbursement Form which can be found here.
2. In keeping with IRS guidelines, reimbursement requests for purchases made without the District NYI credit cards will need to be submitted within 60 days of the purchase. Any purchases in the months of March or April we ask that you turn in requests by the end of April. The church fiscal year ends at the end of April and the NWO District books are audited and then closed making it impossible to place those reimbursements on the previous year’s budget lines.
3. All expenses need to be submitted. The NYI Treasurer can approve any expense up to $1,000.00, beyond that amount the Treasurer and the District NYI President’s approval is needed before the purchase can be made. Any purchase made without approval is subject to review by the NWO NYI Executive Council and could be returned to the individual who made the purchase.
Refund Policy (2019)
Each NWO NYI event will establish dates for Full / Half / or no refund. Those dates will be final except for extreme circumstances.
Payment Policy (2019)
Payment for NWO NYI events can be made two ways:
1. Check (make payable to NWO NYI)
2. Online at the event registration website (nwonyi.churchcenter.com)
Event Accounting Guidelines (2019)
Each event coordinator and the NYI Treasurer will create a report at the end of each event. The report will show monetary details (How much seed money was used, how much was brought in through registration, expenses, etc.) and will be submitted to the District NYI Council.
NYI Convention Delegates
While everyone who is involved with NYI on our District is invited to attend NYI Convention, the Manual of the Church of the Nazarene does sets guidelines for who can serve as an official delegate (i.e. - participate in the Convention by voting and/or bringing items to the attention of the assembly).
According to the 2017-2021 manual:
Section 810.219 District NYI Convention
Number of Number of Number of Number of
Members Delegates Members Delegates
5-45 4 136-165 8
46-75 5 166-195 9
76-105 6 196-225 10
106-135 7 226-255 11
*Number of elected delegates from a local NYI does not include ex officio delegates (NYI president, pastor, youth pastor, District NYI Council members from a local church, etc.)
Below are NWO NYI policies concerning finance (reimbursements, refunds, payments, and events) and NYI Convention/District Council.
Reimbursement Policy (2021)
1. Any purchase, whether made by District NYI credit cards, checks or by personal cash, debit, or credit cards, needs to be formally requested to the NYI Treasurer using the NYI Purchase/Reimbursement Form which can be found here.
2. In keeping with IRS guidelines, reimbursement requests for purchases made without the District NYI credit cards will need to be submitted within 60 days of the purchase. Any purchases in the months of March or April we ask that you turn in requests by the end of April. The church fiscal year ends at the end of April and the NWO District books are audited and then closed making it impossible to place those reimbursements on the previous year’s budget lines.
3. All expenses need to be submitted. The NYI Treasurer can approve any expense up to $1,000.00, beyond that amount the Treasurer and the District NYI President’s approval is needed before the purchase can be made. Any purchase made without approval is subject to review by the NWO NYI Executive Council and could be returned to the individual who made the purchase.
Refund Policy (2019)
Each NWO NYI event will establish dates for Full / Half / or no refund. Those dates will be final except for extreme circumstances.
Payment Policy (2019)
Payment for NWO NYI events can be made two ways:
1. Check (make payable to NWO NYI)
2. Online at the event registration website (nwonyi.churchcenter.com)
Event Accounting Guidelines (2019)
Each event coordinator and the NYI Treasurer will create a report at the end of each event. The report will show monetary details (How much seed money was used, how much was brought in through registration, expenses, etc.) and will be submitted to the District NYI Council.
NYI Convention Delegates
While everyone who is involved with NYI on our District is invited to attend NYI Convention, the Manual of the Church of the Nazarene does sets guidelines for who can serve as an official delegate (i.e. - participate in the Convention by voting and/or bringing items to the attention of the assembly).
According to the 2017-2021 manual:
Section 810.219 District NYI Convention
- The annual District NYI Convention provides for inspirational sessions and programs to advance youth ministry across the district. Reports are received, leadership is elected, and any legislative business pertaining to the work of NYI is transacted at the Convention. Delegates to the Global NYI Convention are also elected consistent with the NYI Global Ministry Plan.
- The District NYI Council arranges for and oversees the District NYI Convention, in cooperation with the district superintendent. The Convention convenes at a time and place designated by the District NYI Council, with the approval of the district superintendent and within ninety days of the District Assembly.
- The District NYI Convention is composed of the members of the District NYI Council, the district superintendent, local pastors, other assigned ordained ministers of the district who participate in NYI ministry, and local NYI delegates.
- All local NYI delegates to the District NYI Convention must be members of the Church of the Nazarene that they represent.
- The number of local NYI delegates for each church is determined by the membership figures on the most recent local Pastor's Report prior to the District Assembly. District NYI leadership encourages local churches to make suitable arrangements for the expenses of delegates attending the District NYI Convention.
- The local NYI delegation to the District NYI Convention for church with 30 or fewer NYI members consists of
- The pastor and youth pastor or any full-time paid pastoral staff who participate in NYI ministry:
- The newly-elected local NYI president:
- Up to four elected delegates, with at least half being within the district-established NYI ministry focus.
- Local churches may add an additional delegate for each successive 30 local NYI members and/or final major part of those 30 members (i.e., 16-29 members). At least half of any additional delegates must be also within the district-established NYI ministry focus.
- The pastor of any local church or director of an approved Nazarene Compassionate Ministries Center not having an organized NYI may appoint one delegate.
Number of Number of Number of Number of
Members Delegates Members Delegates
5-45 4 136-165 8
46-75 5 166-195 9
76-105 6 196-225 10
106-135 7 226-255 11
*Number of elected delegates from a local NYI does not include ex officio delegates (NYI president, pastor, youth pastor, District NYI Council members from a local church, etc.)